Poynette High School Project- Aquaponics and Outdoor Classroom

Beginning Spring of 2016 This is a multifaceted project that began with WNFA funding an aquaponics system at the Poynette High School (PHS).  Aquaponics is the combination of Aquaculture, raising fish as a food crop, and Hydroponics, growing plants in an aquatic environment.  The waste from the fish, in this case Tilapia, provides the nutrients … Read more

Killing People with the Fork

By Paul M. Otten, Editor A good number of years back I had the privilege of meeting Howard Lyman, the author of Mad Cowboy. Howard had been a large scale cattle rancher turned vegetarian. You may remember him best from his appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show that resulted in a huge lawsuit from the … Read more

Food Compounds That Kill Test -Tube Cancer Cells Analyzed

By Marcia WoodARS News Service; Agricultural Research Service, [email protected] 4, 2008 Strawberries, grapes, blueberries and some familiar seasonings like rosemary contain compounds that can–in test tubes–kill cells of a childhood cancer. Nutrition-focused research by molecular biologist Susan J. Zunino of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Western Human Nutrition Research Center (WHNRC), Davis, Calif., may reveal … Read more

Vegetables and Fruits Aid Weight Loss

The public seems to have lost interest in low-carbohydrate fad diets. In a recent survey conducted by the American Institute for Cancer Research, four out of five weight-conscious people said they turn to salads, vegetables and fruits when trying to shed a few pounds. This is good news. Despite all the books, advertisements and commercial … Read more