Gift to CSA Coalition
Check out what FairShare CSA Coalition had to say about the gift from Wisconsin Natural Foods in their latest newsletter.
Supporting Organic Growers
Check out what FairShare CSA Coalition had to say about the gift from Wisconsin Natural Foods in their latest newsletter.
Greetings, Wisconsin Natural Food Associates board members, On behalf of the Sauk Prairie Conservation Alliance and the Savanna Institute, I’d like to share our sincere gratitude to you for your financial support of our collaborative venture on the “Badger Lands.” We are deeply appreciative of this generous support, and we are already planning and discussing … Read more
Please accept our appreciation for the extraordinary generous $2,500.00 endowment to the gardeners at Historical Point Basse. It will help fund our gardens for the next ten years. This will be the seventh season that the Wood County Master Gardener Volunteers have been partnering with Historic Point Basse and your generosity will help us enlarge our … Read more
In Sunday’s Wisconsin State Journal (10/29/2017), personal finance writer Morgan Quinn advised people to “Save by skipping needless organics,” such as fruits and vegetables with inedible peels. There are more reasons than personal health to buy organics. I buy “needless organics” to protect the health of farm workers and the planet. I don’t want farm … Read more
By: Michael Hetzer Some of you may remember a 1968 hit song by Tony Joe White called “Polk Salad Annie” which describes a poor southern girl who cooked polk salad every day, while her father laid around, her brothers stole water melons, her mother worked on the chain gang and whose granny was eaten by … Read more
On Saturday June 17th my wife Kate and I took our bikes to Stevens Point and met up with my son Zach and his wife Ellen. From nearby Plover we travelled the Tomorrow River trail west until we came to Custer Road. We went north through the tiny Hamlet of Custer, crossed Highway 10, rode through … Read more